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Policies and Procedures

School Docs

The latest versions of Normandale School policies and procedures are found in School Docs. Many of these documents are new for the BoT and they are still being reviewed on a regular basis.




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Home Learning


We believe that learning happens in many places and at different times. Learning occurs at school, at home, at sport, dance, karate, in the car, at supermarkets, etc.
Playing board games, card games, I Spy, etc. are also fun ways of learning.

We are aiming for our students to be enthusiastic, life-long learners and that school, home and the student all have important roles to play in this learning.


We believe that home learning:

  • is a way of enhancing communication between home and school, and that many families value this opportunity. Parents also value their family time and the opportunity for their children to participate in imaginative play.

  • is an expectation, however it is not compulsory. Practice and support from home can assist your child with their learning.

  • supporting the learning that is happening at school, this will look different at different year levels. When your child starts school the home learning book has information so you know what they are learning to do. This will change as they progress throughout the year. 


Reading, spelling, and mathematics will form the basis for our home learning. Home learning is not restricted to a Monday-Friday time slot, it can be more flexible.



In the juniors the instructional reading book may come home or a book from their independent buddy boxes. The book may have a few challenges or it may be very easy. Reading at home should be a fun sharing time with your child. By Year 3 many students are reading books from the library


In the seniors reading is usually independent and the books are chosen from our school library, a book they have at home or from the local library.



Spelling usually starts with the 10 minute writing words, early in Year 1. Students then move onto learning the essential lists. Spelling words will start from the beginning of the list they are working on, students may know some of the words, however some will be a challenge. Words will be tested twice a term, about week 5 and week 10. When the list is passed students will be given words from a new level.  When a student masters all the lists, words could include topic words, words they misspell in their writing, etc.



Maths basic facts will also be worked on the same system. Lists will be sent home weekly for students to practise and master. Basic facts will be tested twice a term, about week 5 and week 10.  If students have mastered the facts they will have a new challenge.


Senior team

In terms 2&3 extra home learning challenges will be introduced, these might include playing a new game, learning a new skill to share at school or a creative task linked to our current Inquiry.


Home Learning

  • Years 0&1 Reading book M-Th, poem book F, home learning book with ideas for handwriting, sight words and stage 2 - 3 maths knowledge, access to Reading Eggs

  • Year 1  (after approx 2 terms at school): As above, plus essential spelling words ( 5 per week) and basic facts sheets appropriate to stage.

  • Year 2 Reading book M-Th, poem book F, home learning book with ideas for handwriting, sight words, essential list spelling words (10 per week) and stages 3- basic facts. Access to Reading Eggs  (log-on information is in the home learning book)

  • Years 3, 4, 5, 6 Reading 10-15 minutes per night, maths basic facts, essential spelling words, and access to Maths Whizz.



Home Learning
Behaviour Plan
Behaviour Plan


Behaviour Plan Outcome

We expect our students to respect others, school property and their own and others learning. Restorative Practices are the base for our behaviour management plan. If there is an incident where children are emotionally or physically unsafe the principal is to be notified immediately.


If there is a problem in class: 

  1. This should be dealt with by class teacher, it can be escalated to the senior teacher

  2. Talk to team leader/record in minutes,/teacher to note behaviours on eTap if required

  3. If the behaviours are repeated or of a serious nature, include principal

  4. Parents may need to be contacted

  5. If ongoing parent meetings are needed, consider including other agencies such as RTLB If there is a problem in the playground This should initially be dealt with by the teacher/support staff on duty. If needed please refer the matter to the AP, DP or Principal


If there is a problem in the playground

This should initially be dealt with by the teacher/support staff on duty. If needed please refer the matter to the AP, DP or Principal.


Levels of Behaviour


Examples include: hitting, violence, purposeful hitting, destruction of property, swearing, exposing themselves, theft, bringing items that could potentially cause harm to others.


Follow up:  Has to have a think sheet - kept and dated Investigation sheet to be filled in by the staff member - rarely used, only for ‘high’. Will have date, teacher, children involved, what happened, and outcome - record of what happened (if needed) Tell Principal Contact parents Record on eTap Possible actions: restricted playtime, make amends, this could include an apology.



Examples include: name calling, repeated low level behaviour, swearing, inappropriate health actions, e.g. toileting in bushes.


Follow up: Parents can be contacted - depends on the circumstances Student could have a think sheet - kept and dated Class teacher could use Circle Time, Restorative Questions, Tell the team leader and put in meeting minutes Record of incident to go on to eTap Some students could go to Principal Investigation sheet (staff) for students who are seen frequently.


Low level

Examples include: Name Calling, Pushing, Game that goes wrong once, swearing,


Follow up: Restorative Questions, Circle Time, Tell classroom teacher


Investigation sheet and think sheets to be kept in a folder in the office area


Please refer to the ‘levels of behaviour’ to guide your decisions

  1. If there is a problem discuss with children involved using the Restorative chat cards/process, it is often a miscommunication or a change of rules-also inform the class teacher

  2. If students are out of bounds, or are emotionally or physically unsafe, they are to be removed from the playground and may need to make a self management plan. (think sheet). This plan will involve what other decisions they could make next time. ( Principal to be informed)

  3. Principal may contact parents if there is an ongoing problem, or if the Principal thinks the situation warrants it.

  4. Physical force must not be used to restrain a child. If an incident is occurring during class time remove the class and inform the principal/AP/DP by using the red triangle system.

  5. If the adult on duty feels that there is an imminent or perceived threat or danger to a child they are to act immediately to ensure the safety of students.


Please note the relevant legislation:


Principle 1

All schools are required to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff. A safe environment for students and staff is of paramount importance and therefore must be given primacy when applying the guidelines.











The purpose of our complaints policy is to provide clear guidelines for the school community in raising and resolving concerns and complaints.


We have procedures in place that we follow to ensure that complaints are handled appropriately. Our procedures enable us to:

  • maintain the best learning environment for our students

  • resolve matters of concern early, if possible

  • respond to feedback and concerns constructively

  • deal with complaints fairly, effectively, and promptly

  • take into account individual circumstances

  • maintain confidentiality

  • preserve school/community relationships and communication

  • monitor and record complaints and concerns about student safety.


Most complaints can be resolved informally by discussions with the people concerned. See Guidelines for Informal Complaints. The school also has a procedure for making a formal complaint if informal discussion doesn't resolve the issue.


Guidelines for Informal Complaints

Our primary goal is to create the best learning environment for the students of our school. We encourage open communication and prefer that parents come to us to talk through a problem rather than discuss it in the community.


These are recommended guidelines for parents making informal complaints.


1. Discuss the issue with the right person. 

  • If the matter is a general issue, discuss it with the person concerned or a member of the management team or the principal.

  • If you have a complaint about a staff member, contact the person involved and discuss the matter. We ask that parents make this direct approach as soon as possible. Be prepared to make a time to discuss your complaint if the staff member is unable to talk with you straight away. Be open to listening to the other side of the story to avoid communication breakdowns.


If you do not wish to approach the person concerned, contact a member of the management team or the principal to resolve the matter. The principal or management team member may communicate with the staff member concerned.


  • If you have a complaint about one of our students, contact the student's class teacher or the principal to discuss the matter.

  • If the matter concerns the principal and you have not first resolved it by discussion, or you feel uncomfortable directly approaching the principal, contact the chairperson of the board of trustees.

  • If the matter concerns a board member, contact the chairperson of the board of trustees, or board member if it concerns the board chair.

If you complain to a board member, you will be encouraged to resolve the issue with the guidelines above, and the board member will inform the principal and board chair.


2. Work towards a resolution.

  • In most cases, constructive discussion will resolve the issue.

  • If you are unhappy with the outcome of your initial meeting, contact the principal, a member of the management team, or the board chair to discuss further resolution. They will consider and respond to the complaint as appropriate.


If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint.


If a staff member is the complainant (including complaints about colleagues), the same procedure must be followed, commencing with an initial discussion with the people concerned to try to resolve matters.



Formal Complaints

If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint.


In the interests of fairness, any formal complaint or serious allegation must be made in writing and resolved in a timely fashion. All parties should respect confidentiality.

Follow this process:



  • Put your concerns in writing, either as a signed letter or an email. Give as many details as possible, including details of efforts that have been made to resolve the issue. Include names and contact phone numbers.

  • Send the letter marked Confidential to the school principal or, if the complaint is about the principal, to the chairperson of the board of trustees. The contact details are available from the school office.



(if complaint is about a staff member)

  • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the staff member concerned.

  • Inform the chairperson of the board of trustees.


Board chair

(if complaint is about the principal)

  • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the principal.

  • When a formal complaint is received, the school may choose to investigate it if it is deemed serious enough to warrant it after considering the initial response from the person the complaint is about. Not all complaints require an investigation but all written complaints should be disclosed to the staff concerned at the earliest opportunity, and followed up with the complainant.


Relevant collective employment agreement provisions for dealing with complaints and discipline must be observed including allowing representation of staff at any meeting to discuss a written complaint.


Guidelines for informal complaints
Formal Complaints
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