School Council
What is the School Council?
The purpose of the School Council is to represent the views and opinions of pupils and to be a forum for active and constructive pupil input into the daily life of the school. The Council is selected from year 4 – 6. Class elections take place in February each year.
The School Council benefits the whole school as it gives opportunities for pupils to communicate feelings and opinions to teachers and support staff as well as influencing decisions that are made.
Issues that might be discussed in the school council meetings include:
Peer Mediator Role
School and charity fundraising
Organise fun events for the students
Be the voice of the students at Normandale School
The Role of the School Council
Pupils who are elected have been given a very important
job to do in the school. Pupils are expected to
Attend all weekly meetings
Talk to the classes, feedback information and share ideas and opinions
Share ideas with the Council
Help to plan and work to deliver events for fun and to raise charity fundraising
Speak with confidence at assemblies when required
Our 2024 Elected School Council